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Paul Benien, DO

95.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 646 ratings

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About Paul Benien:

Dr. Paul Benien is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon and the founder and president of the Oklahoma Cosmetic Surgery Center in Oklahoma City. Dr. Benien has been practicing cosmetic surgery since 1986 and is one of the country's most respected surgeons, having served from 1967-1970 as a captain in the U.S Medical Corps and as a Vietnam Veteren. With his experience, dedication, and warm personality, Dr. Benien has emerged as one of the nation's leading cosmetic surgeons. 

Dr. Benien believes that cosmetic surgery offers positive results that enhance self image and self esteem. He offers a full range of body, breast, and facial surgeries, as well as non-surgical treatments. Additionally, Dr. Benien is involved with many medical organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, and the American Society of Liposuction Surgery. He has also served on the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association's Board of Trustees. 

Contact This Provider

9617 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159

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