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participant since 4/27/2015

Diane Novacek, Aesthetician

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 67 ratings

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About Diane Novacek:

Diane Novacek is a licensed esthetician specializing in medical esthetics. She received her education in Miami, Florida and Florida College of Natural Health. While she was there, Diane received a two-year education in caring for the skin, with the emphasis being in medical esthetics. She has been a licensed, practicing esthetican since 2003.

Diane started her career in Nashville esthetics with Dr. Alexander G. Nein in 2005. Over the years she has honed her skills in many areas of esthetics including, chemical peels, microdermabrasion with Dermasweep, needling, laser vein treatment, and Exilis body contouring. Diane believes that every client has unique needs and structures all of her treatment protocols to the specific individual.

Diane works with many types of skin conditions, and all areas of the body. She has extensive knowledge in treating and improving the condition and appearance of scars, utilizing all of her skills to achieve the best result for every patient.

Contact This Provider

2400 Patterson St #202 Nashville, TN 37203

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