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participant since 2/23/2021

Megan Fredericksen, CNP

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 542 ratings

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About Megan Fredericksen:

I became a Nurse Practitioner because of my strong interest in women’s health, my desire to help others, and my passion for educating and empowering individuals to maintain and enhance their health.

I consider it a privilege to be involved in the intimate aspects of women’s health and lives. I am sensitive to the fact that patients can feel vulnerable when they come to the clinic seeking care and I try to create a relaxed atmosphere where they can feel safe to share their concerns and health care goals.

Health care is truly a partnership between the provider and patient. I focus on partnering with my patients to develop an individualized approach to their care, one that is evidence-based and incorporates patient preferences and values. I am committed to staying up to date with current best practices and I am continually learning from my patients.

While I am trained to care for women during all phases of their life, my current focus is on providing care for reproductive aged women. Whether your needs involve family planning and contraception, sexual health, infertility treatment, or care during and after pregnancy, I am here to support your health and wellness.

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