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Aaron M. Sudbury, MD

95.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1420 ratings

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About Aaron Sudbury:

Aaron Sudbury, MD, FACOG, a board certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of his patients. He has been instrumental in successfully steering West Coast Women's Specialists through its steady growth and he has positively impacted the health care community on local and state levels through his leadership roles.

Dr. Sudbury is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology as well as uro-gynecology. He offers state-of-the-art solutions to pelvic prolapse and urinary incontinence and is certified in Inter-Stim therapy. Patients appreciate his compassionate approach to sensitive issues and are pleased to know there are options available to them.

Dr. Sudbury earned his medical degree from University of Miami, in Miami, Florida in 2000 and was honored with the Jeffrey J. Goldenberg Memorial Award for Obstetrics and Gynecology. He completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at The Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Temple University Campus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and received the Berlex Best Teaching Resident Award in 2002.

In 2004, Dr. Sudbury opened his private practice, Aaron Sudbury, MD, P.A. in Bradenton, Florida. Two years later, he acknowledged the community’s growing need for quality OB/GYN health care and in January 2006 he opened Premier OB/GYN Associates, PLLC with plans for expansion.

With Dr. Sudbury at the helm, the practice has continued to grow and evolve. In 2006, an additional physician was added and the early adoption of an electronic medical record system was implemented. That was only the beginning. As the practice grew, Dr. Sudbury built a new medical facility and in 2008, the practice moved into its current location in Bradenton. Striving for quality in health care, an additional expansion took place in 2011 that provided a dedicated radiology department as well as a specially designed in-patient procedure area. The addition of a sophisticated medical software system allowed patients to feel more involved in their care as well as giving the physicians timely communication options with their patients and their primary care physicians. Now with three additional physicians, Dr. Sudbury hopes that more patients will be able to receive the personalized quality care they deserve.

Dr. Sudbury continues to be a leader in the medical community, supporting key medical issues. He is currently Chief-of-Staff at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center as well as serving on the Board of Governors and the Credentialing Committee. In 2009, he served as President of the Manatee County Medical Society and is currently the President of Florida Woman Care, LLC.

On a state level, Dr. Sudbury currently holds several positions within the Florida Medical Association. He serves as Treasurer (PAC), is an active Council Member for the Legislative Council as well as a Legislative Liaison for MAC/CMS.

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5323 4th Ave Cir E Bradenton, FL 34208

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