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participant since 08/24/2015

Acqua Blu Medical Spa

95.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1087 ratings

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About Acqua Blu Medical Spa:

Acqua Blu Medical Spa resides in Pennsylvania, and consists of board certified plastic surgeon and owner, Dr. Brian Vassar Heil and his highly skilled staff. At our practice, we use state-of-the-art medical treatments and work to create an environment that provides the ultimate pampering and relaxation experience.

We offer a wide range of services for our patients, including skin care treatments, chemical peels, laser hair removal, Botox, dermatology services, laser and light therapies, fillers and injectables, facials, laser vein treatments, and laser skin tightening.

Dr. Heil and the staff at Acqua Blu Medical Spa will utilize their knowledge and skills to help patients achieve beautiful results that are suited towards their individual needs and desires.  

Contact This Practice

14000 Perry Highway, Suite 300 Wexford, PA 15090

100 Siena Drive, Suite 295 Pittsburgh, PA 15241

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