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participant since 8/23/2022

Adriana L. Pritchard, MD

99.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 129 ratings

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About Adriana Pritchard:

I needed to work with people. It is a gift to earn the trust of a young teen in discussing preventive healthcare, to join in the celebration of life through the process of childbirth, and to maintain a relationship with a woman into the transition of menopause. I have special interests in promotion of healthy breast feeding, as well as minimally invasive procedures. I’ve also volunteered abroad in Mexico, Thailand, and Nepal in medical mission work with various organizations. My roots in Arizona are deep– I attended Deer Valley High School, Arizona State, and the University of Arizona. My husband and young son are a great support and we are excited to be a part of this vibrant East Valley community. In my free-time I love photography, hockey, and hiking.

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