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participant since 3/14/2023

Alan Newman, MD

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 437 ratings

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About Alan Newman:

Dr. Newman's role as a physician is to not just be a care giver but also to be an educator as well. What he finds most gratifying is sitting down with his patients and teaching them about the issues at hand and their options for treatment, allowing them to make the educated decisions that best meet their needs and lifestyles. He doesn't pretend to know what is best for each person. Newman tries to utilize his training and expertise to help identify issues and make recommendations, but also realize that what may be a big concern for one woman may be a minor inconvenience to someone else. Taking that extra time to get to know someone or making an effort to really listen to what someone's expectations are goes a long why in providing the exceptional care he strives for.

Contact This Provider

25500 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 120 Novi, MI 48375

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