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participant since 4/1/2024

Amanda Bullat, RDN

97.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 33 ratings

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Amanda  Bullat, RDN

(206) 895-4292

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About Amanda Bullat:

Over the past 2 decades, Amanda has navigated her own food and body liberation journey. She found diet rock bottom and a lifeline to recovery while traveling in Nepal. After a successful competitive running career, she went on to recover from a disordered relationship with food and exercise. Her recovery allowed her to earn a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics from Bastyr University. As an undiet dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, Amanda serves as a guide and mentor to her clients - partnering with them to heal their relationship with food and their body through intuitive eating, mindfulness, and her unique SAVOR Strategies of Healing. Amanda works in collaboration with her clients to create practical, actionable steps so they can stop feeling chaotic around food, find compassion for their ever-changing bodies, and feel empowered to live a fulfilling life Savoring Food & Body.

Contact This Provider

11335 NE 122nd Way, 105 Kirkland, WA 98034

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