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participant since 1/24/2023

Amanda Rostkowski, MD

98.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 339 ratings

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About Amanda Rostkowski:

Dr. Rostkowski grew up in Maryland where she stayed until she graduated with a BS from the University Of Notre Dame of Maryland, one of the country’s first Women’s Colleges. She went on to complete her MD and Ph.D. degrees at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Illinois where her research focused on neuroendocrinology. Dr. Rostkowski completed her OB/GYN residency training at Yale-New Haven followed by a fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopy and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

Dr. Rostkowski then returned to New England where she joined Comprehensive Gynecology of Connecticut as a GYN surgical specialist. She cares for a wide range of GYN issues including pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and fibroids. She has a particular interest in LGBTQIA care as well as pelvic pain, specifically endometriosis.

In her personal time, Dr. Rostkowski is playing with new kitchen gadgets she probably doesn’t need and spending time with her wife and their rambunctious twin boys.

Contact This Provider

60 Washington Ave Suite 201 & 206 Hamden, CT 06518

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