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Amy Biggs, PA-C

95.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 275 ratings

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About Amy Biggs:

Amy Biggs was drawn to the medical field because she has always had a passion for helping people. Despite having no exposure to the medical field growing up, she knew it was the obvious career choice.

Amy decided to pursue the aesthetics path in medicine because she has always been able to appreciate visual symmetry, harmony, and balance. She truly fell in love with it during her first year of practice in plastic surgery.

“It was the perfect combination of science and artistry along with the positive impact I was able to make on my patients’ lives that really won me over.”

Amy’s favorite aspect of working in aesthetic medicine is going to work happy and excited every day, and being able to make other people excited and happy too. She loves creating long-lasting relationships with patients while she is beside them and helping them make their dreams come true.

Amy has been working in aesthetic medicine for 15 years. Within those years of rich experience, Amy has worked as a physician assistant at Lancaster County Center for Plastic Surgery, Shino Bay Cosmetic Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Laser Institute, Healy Plastic Surgery, and Aesthetics Hawaii. She received her education at Drexel University College of Nursing & Health Professions.

With such a strong passion for all aesthetic procedures, Amy finds it impossible to choose one favorite procedure to perform. She likes to combine or “layer” treatments because she feels this method leads to better outcomes than standalone treatments.

“Honestly, any treatment that makes my patients look and feel more refreshed and confident is my favorite treatment.”

As a strong believer that education and understanding are the keys to success, Amy usually starts introductions with patients with a discussion about the aging process and how it can be affected by genetics and medical conditions. She listens with intent to their stories and goals so she can develop a deep understanding of their needs and expectations and lay out a treatment plan tailored uniquely to them.

“Ultimately, I want all my patients to feel that their outward appearance reflects their inner beauty.”

Get to know Amy beyond the scrubs

Family first

When she’s not at the med spa, you can find Amy adventuring with her husband and two beautiful children or crushing goals at the gym. At one point, Amy spent four years living overseas in Jakarta, Indonesia with her family indulging in the culture, traveling, and making memories. She described it as an “eye-opening experience on so many levels.”

Lover of all things new and unseen

If she had a whole month to herself, Amy would take the time to travel to a remote island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, where she would relax in a hammock with her feet in the sand. As a lover of all things travel, she enjoys getting lost and wandering aimlessly throughout new cities as well.

A warm San Diego welcome

As she’s new to the west coast of the US, Amy is enjoying exploring all that San Diego has to offer, with an emphasis on the weather, the beaches, and the outdoor life, of course. She also has plans to spend more time exploring wine country.

Contact This Provider

9850 Genesee Ave Suite 380 La Jolla, CA 92037

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