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participant since 3/1/2023

Anastasia Chu, PA-C

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 293 ratings

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About Anastasia Chu:

Meet Anastasia Chu, the newest physician assistant to join our Dream Team. She will be one of the brilliant providers available at our Carlsbad Medspa office. She was drawn to the medical field because she gets to do what she loves: helping others. She took the aesthetics path because it allows her to help people look and feel their best.

Anastasia earned her Physician Assistant degree in New York. Straight out of PA school, she practiced in neurology for three years and was first introduced to Botox for its use to treat migraines. Since then, she has enjoyed using the popular neurotoxin for anti-aging and has fallen in love with the field of aesthetic medicine.

Anastasia's favorite treatment to perform is complete facial rejuvenation using dermal fillers because the normal aging process involves changes to the entire face, not just the cheeks or lips. You can tell upon meeting her that she has a true passion for preserving your natural beauty.

“I've always had an innate urge to help others. Medicine allows me to improve people's health and quality of life.”

Motivated by the psychological aspect of beauty, Anastasia firmly believes that a person's mood and quality of life are affected when they look on the outside the same as how they feel on the inside. Seeing how her work impacts clients' lives and witnessing the gratitude in their eyes when she brings their goals to life inspires her to do her best every day and listen closely to her patients.

Well known for her excellent bedside manner, Anastasia strives to treat others the way she would want to be treated. As someone who has been in the treatment chair countless times herself, she understands the nervousness her patients feel preparing for treatments and does her best to make them comfortable.

Contact This Provider

7730 El Camino Real Suite C Carlsbad, CA 92009

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