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participant since 2/25/2021

Anu Chakraborty, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 924 ratings

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About Anu Chakraborty:

As a child my family moved quite a bit but eventually we settled down in New Jersey. My father spent countless hours nurturing my curiosity in science and teaching me “how things work.” He encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

I graduated from the Combined Accelerated Medical Program of Boston University / Rutgers – New Jersey Medical School. After medical school I finished my internship and residency at Beth Israel Medical Center. I am board certified in Obstetric and Gynecology, and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

After completing my training I commenced my private practice of obstetrics and gynecology in Monmouth County, New Jersey. During this time I delivered over 1000 babies along with becoming the mother of 3 myself. It has been my greatest privilege and honor to participate in the miracle of childbirth for so many wonderful families. However after 18 years of obstetrics I have now decided to dedicate myself to care of women from puberty to senescence. Though I will miss my work in Obstetrics, I am excited to continue caring for my women’s gynecologic needs.

The advantages of solely being a gynecologist are many. I can offer appointments most convenient for patients. When you arrive for your appointment I am setting aside time solely for you. I will not be pulled away or arrive late to your visit because of an obstetrical patient. I appreciate that you have chosen me as your physician, we respect your time and never double book our office. Your time is no less important than mine.

Although I practice state of the art medicine and surgery, I believe in caring for patients the “Old Fashioned” way. I take my time to listen to what concerns my patients so that we can tailor their health care to address their mind and body. Communication and understanding are the building blocks of a good and long lasting physician relationship.

Contact This Provider

224 Maple Ave Red Bank, NJ 07701

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