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participant since 11/11/2024

Ariana Patras, DO

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 33 ratings

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About Ariana Patras:

Ariana Patras, DO, graduated with honors from Hofstra University in 2014 with a degree in biology and minor in biochemistry on a presidential academic scholarship. She earned her medical degree from Rowan SOM in 2020 in New Jersey then completed her Ob/Gyn residency at Monmouth Medical Center in 2024. She served as Didactic Chief Resident and received a variety of awards, including: Resident Excellence from The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Outstanding Resident Performance from The Society of Gynecologic Oncology, The Obstetrical Critical Care Award, and The Robert A. MacKenzie, M.D. Award twice for contributing the most to overall resident education and patient care.

She is passionate about general Ob/Gyn with special interest in caring for pregnant patients, performing hysteroscopy & laparoscopy, addressing abnormal uterine bleeding, and providing preventative care to patients of all ages. Ariana enjoys traveling, megaformer Pilates, skiing, her Peloton, and laughing with her fiancé, Scott, who is a gastroenterology fellow at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. They are excited to plant their roots in North Carolina and care for patients and their families in the community!

Contact This Provider

4605 Country Club Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27104

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