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participant since 1/25/2023

Barbara Rymer, APRN

99.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 307 ratings

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About Barbara Rymer:

Barbara Rymer, APRN, FNP-BC, earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) as a part of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program at Simmons University in Boston. She has nearly a decade of experience in obstetric care, working in hospitals across Pennsylvania, Washington, and Connecticut. Barbara is a certified Breastfeeding Counselor and has supported patients through the delivery and post-partum process. She has experience in high-risk obstetrics care, health education, and birth planning.

Barbara is fluent in Portuguese and speaks conversational Spanish. She also spent time in West Africa with the Peace Corps as a development volunteer, counseling female patients on general health, hygiene, and HIV/AIDS education.

Her interests include hiking and biking with her son.

Contact This Provider

134 Grandview Ave Waterbury, CT 06708

10 Main St S Southbury, CT 06488

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