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BiO2 Oxy-Mist

0.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 0 ratings

Oxy-Mist is a combination of 3 formulations.

Amino-Plex®, Amino-Plex II®, and Micellized Vitamin E are sprayed onto the surface of the skin using medical grade oxygen.

The biO2 Oxy-Mist protocol was developed to both simplify the post laser treatment as well as minimize the pain, decrease the healing time and the period of redness (erythema).The program utilizes daily treatments with a soothing Oxy-Mist containing a formula of amino acids, trace minerals, electrolytes, nucleotides(RNA/DNA), nucleosides, glycosamingoglycans, glycolipids, micellized vitamin E (.05 microns) and other factors known to be important in wound healing known as Amino-Plex®.

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