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participant since 8/18/2017

Brady Harris, MD

94.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 210 ratings

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About Brady Harris:

Dr. Brady Harris is proud to be leading Image Surgical Arts. A native Kentuckian, Dr. Harris relocated following training in Louisville, KY, and Chattanooga, TN. Dr. Harris’ sole surgical focus is cosmetic surgery. It is his passion and his results show it.

Dr. Harris is a Triple Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon. He is well-experienced in both facial and body cosmetic procedures having done thousands of cosmetic procedures over his career.

Dr. Harris is one of the top surgeons performing High-Definition Liposuction in the country. He has quickly risen as an industry leader. He has lectured all over the world teaching other surgeons the latest and most cutting-edge techniques and is a board member of the World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.

Dr. Harris lives in Franklin with his wife and two children.

Contact This Provider

2416 21st Ave S #301 Nashville, TN 37212

1210 Johnson Blvd, Suite 3 Murray, KY 42071

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