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Brian Levine, MD

93.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 365 ratings

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About Brian Levine:

Dr. Brian Levine is the founding partner and practice director of CCRM Fertility of New York. He has many years of experience in IVF treatment, IUI treatment, PCOS treatment, gestational surrogacy, LGBTQ reproduction, and many other areas. He is board-certified in both reproductive endocrinology and infertility and obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Levine leads the industry in normalizing open dialogue about infertility— a medical condition affecting 1 in 8 couples— and educates prospective parents on a national level.

Over the years, Dr. Levine has been cited as one of the nation’s leading fertility experts in The New Yorker, New York Post, NBC, CNN, Avenue Magazine among others, offering valuable insight on everything from fertility misconceptions, egg-freezing 101, to how men can boost their fertility.

Dr. Levine attended New York University School of Medicine, served as the President of the NYU Alumni Association, and was the only physician on NYU’s Board of Trustees during his 7-year tenure. Recently he was awarded the Meritorious Service Award, the highest award bestowed upon an alumnus for their extraordinary service and continuing devotion to NYU and who embodies the University motto: To Persevere and to Excel. Dr Levine completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital – Columbia University Medical Center and then completed his fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Medical College.

In 2015 he was awarded the highest prize by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine for his assisted reproductive technology submission on 3D sperm imaging techniques and frequently consults on new and disruptive fertility related technologies.

Dr. Levine resides in Manhattan with his wife Alexis and their adorable daughters Izabel & Adison. In his off time, he is a fervent daily reader, enjoys running in Central Park and learning about artificial intelligence (AI).

Dr. Levine is a registered out-of-state telehealth provider with the Florida Department of Health. For more information, please visit the Florida HealthSource website.

Contact This Provider

810 7th Ave 21st Floor New York, NY 10019

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