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participant since 1/25/2022

Brianna Stenbar, CRNP

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 1012 ratings

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About Brianna Stenbar:

Brianna is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner and new to the Salisbury area. Brianna obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Towson University from which she went on to work as a registered nurse. She spent three years working on a neonatal intensive care unit and then 1.5 years on a family birthplace where she doubled as a nursery and postpartum nurse. In 2021, Brianna completed her Master of Science in Nursing from The George Washington University specializing in family health. Throughout her graduate studies she felt the most passionately towards women’s health, however, family practice trained, she is committed to caring for the whole person. Brianna desires to deliver quality gynecological care to women across the lifespan and empower women with the knowledge and confidence to take control of their health.

Brianna is very excited about joining the Capital Women’s Care Division 74 team and looks forward to meeting all of her patients. Though she loves being a Nurse Practitioner, in her free time Brianna enjoys reading, trying new restaurants, and traveling.

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600 Glen Ave Suite 104 Salisbury, MD 21804

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