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participant since 5/2/2019

Brittany Bray, Licensed Medical Aesthetician

98.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 291 ratings

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About Brittany Bray:

Brittany has over 10 years’ experience specializing in advanced skincare protocols, and has developed a reputation in the community and industry as a results-driven practitioner not only transforming clients’ skin, but total well-being. She is a trusted master aesthetician, a charismatic leader in her field and is accredited for her expertise in educating patients and other aestheticians about skincare practices and treatments. She continuously hones her skills and is abreast of the leading and best aesthetic technology.

With a degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University, Brittany continually strives to assist patients with overcoming stress surrounding appearance. From teens who struggle with acne, to patients with pigmentation or autoimmune conditions, Brittany provides empathetic guidance for all clients.

Brittany’s goal is to be ever present in a clients’ journey through improvement. She dedicates so much of herself to the process, starting with the initial consultation, which she takes very seriously. Her positive energy and her love for what she does are apparent every time you see her, and Brittany’s treatments deliver the true Rinklefree philosophy – excellence.

Brittany specializes in advanced skincare protocols for clients looking for true change. Her expertise lies in treatments such as dermaplaning, micropeels, no-downtime peels, Clear + Brilliant Laser Resurfacing and microneedling. Brittany sees patients in our Newtown and Buckingham locations.

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