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participant since 7/15/2022

Bruce Culbertson, MD, FACOG

98.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 191 ratings

Scroll down to read and filter verified real patient reviews for Bruce Culbertson, MD, FACOG . You can also see locations, or contact Bruce Culbertson right here at RealPatientRatings®.

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About Bruce Culbertson:

Since 1994, Dr. Culbertson has been caring for the women of Phoenix, and has had the privilege of delivering over 10,000 babies. Dr. Culbertson has a special interest in handling high-risk pregnancies involving twins, vaginal birth after cesarean, high blood pressure, and pre-term labor. Dr. Culbertson has been married for over 25 years and has three children. In his spare time, he enjoys getting away with his family to the White Mountains, travel, golf, and hockey.

Contact This Provider

530 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85012

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