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participant since 5/16/2023

Cesar Reyes, MD

92.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 166 ratings

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About Cesar Reyes:

Cesar Reyes MD is a Live Oak Women’s Health practitioner who believes that every woman deserves access to compassionate and highly effective healthcare. As a result, this San Antonio OBGYN provides world-class care for all ages. This includes delivering both obstetrical and gynecological care as part of his practice. He views each patient as a unique individual with their own healthcare needs and wishes.

Cesar Reyes MD earned his medical degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico School of Medicine and completed his residency at St. Louis University. He is board certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In his professional life, Dr. Reyes has the distinction of being a founding member and the first president of the Institute for Women’s Health. He is also a founding partner of the Medical Center call group.

Dr. Reyes is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a member of the American Fertility Society, the Texas Medical Association, the Bexar County Medical Society and the Mexican American Physician’s Association. Not only that, he is a diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. These memberships allow him to stay current in all areas of women’s healthcare.

Our San Antonio OBGYN works to create a space where women feel comfortable sharing their health questions and concerns. When patients trust that they can be an active participant in their care, Dr. Reyes believes that everyone benefits.

Dr. Reyes is married with three beloved children and two wonderful grandchildren. When he is not spending time with his family, he enjoys hunting and fishing.

Contact This Provider

12709 Toepperwein Rd #309 San Antonio, TX 78233

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