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participant since 1/21/2020

Claire E. Sellers, MD

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 863 ratings

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About Claire Sellers:

I joined Capital Area OB/GYN in September of 2015, shortly after completing my residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas at Austin. I grew up in the western United States, but did all of my schooling in Texas. I attended Texas Christian University for my undergrad and then went on to get my medical degree at Texas Tech University. After 12 years in Texas, I relocated to Raleigh to be closer to extended family.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring the Triangle with my dog, Daisy, and I love all of the opportunities for adventure that North Carolina provides. It has become a wonderful place to call home.

During my training, one persistent frustration was that I was unable to establish and maintain relationships with patients over time. One of my greatest joys since joining Capital Area OB/GYN has been the ability to work with patients over time to achieve their goals, whether that goal includes pregnancy, prevention of pregnancy, minimization of menses, or control of pelvic pain.

From 2014-2015 I served as my residency’s Educational Chief Resident, a position that expanded my love of teaching — particularly in regards to patient education. I aim to educate and collaborate with my patients in determining the best individual choice for their reproductive health. I look forward to discussing all available options with my patients, especially as technology causes rapid advancements in the field of prenatal diagnosis. I practice general obstetrics and gynecology, and I am very interested in the field of minimally invasive procedures and surgery and in the field of women’s sexual health, and in particular, sexual dysfunction.

Contact This Provider

4414 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 308 Raleigh, NC 27607

1110 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518

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