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participant since 2/23/2023

Dawn Huff, WHNP

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 555 ratings

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About Dawn Huff:

Born in California and raised in Tucson, Dawn has chosen to name Scottsdale home. She attended the University of Arizona for her undergraduate degree in Psychology and went on to get a second undergraduate degree in Nursing. Dawn worked as an RN in labor and delivery, medical / surgical and triage at Banner Good Samaritan. She then continued her education at Arizona State University where she obtained her Master’s degree and Nurse Practitioner. Dawn joined Camelback Women’s Health in July 2002. Dawn and her husband, David, have two beautiful daughters, Stella Mae & Harper Lillian.

Contact This Provider

11209 N Tatum Blvd Suite 255 Phoenix, AZ 85028

4530 N 32nd St Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018

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