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participant since 6/29/2023

Debbra A. Keegan, MD

95.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 325 ratings

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Debbra A. Keegan, MD

(609) 448-4300

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About Debbra Keegan:

Debbra A. Keegan, MD, FACOG, came to IRMS from IVF FLORIDA Reproductive Associates in 2010 and currently serves as the IRMS Chief Medical Officer.

Dr. Keegan is board certified in reproductive endocrinology and general obstetrics and gynecology. She received her medical degree from NYU School of Medicine and completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Bellevue Hospital / NYU Langone Medical Centers. Dr. Keegan completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development. She then earned a Master of Science in Biology from the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science, where she studied the effects of maternal nutritional deprivation on pregnancy outcomes.

“I became fascinated by the complexity of early human development as an undergraduate at Cornell while working on the effects of maternal glucose levels on fetal movement. The dynamic nature of reproductive medicine and genetics also sparked my interest in pursuing a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. As a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist, I am able to play a small role in the wondrous process of conception and early human development, while making a difference in my patients’ lives. I am privileged to be part of such an amazing field.”

Dr. Keegan has developed a special interest in LGBTQ family building. As a result of her work in this area, she was appointed to the RWJBH Steering Committee on LGBTQ Health. She is one of the first physicians in New Jersey to work with transgender youth and egg freezing as a means of fertility preservation. Dr. Keegan works closely with helping cancer patients with fertility preservation. In this capacity, she helps patients diagnosed with cancer understand their reproductive options and possibilities. She strongly feels this unique aspect of her expertise provides the important element of hope, in patients unexpectedly struck by the diagnosis of cancer.

“I am dedicated to helping patients who have been diagnosed with cancer understand their options for future family building. It should be reassuring to a patient when she is referred for fertility preservation, because it indicates that she is expected to beat her disease! The most important part of what we do is provide the hope and compassion that patients’ struggling with a cancer diagnosis need. We give them an honest assessment of their potential, review all options and walk them through every step of the process that is involved in egg or embryo freezing.”

In addition to maintaining a busy clinical practice, Dr. Keegan actively teaches medical students and residents. She also oversees a community outreach program designed to bring an informal approach to sex education for middle school students.

Dr. Keegan’s volunteer efforts include serving on the board of the Life is Great Global Foundation as Chief Development Officer. In this role, she participates in international medical missionary work by performing gynecologic surgery and cervical cancer screening in medically underserved areas. As a board member, she oversees networking and fundraising projects. She also served on the board of Embrace Kids Foundation. Embrace Kids exists to lighten the burden, maintain normalcy and improve the quality of life for families whose children are facing cancer, sickle cell and other serious health challenges.

Dr. Keegan resides in Central New Jersey with her husband, three children and two dogs. She is an avid health and fitness promoter/participator, enjoys live music, cooking, traveling, and studies percussion.

Honors and Awards

  • Jersey’s Best Magazine Top Doctors: 2020, 2021
  • Top Doctors New York Metro Area (digital guide): 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • Castle Connolly: Top Doctor, Exceptional Women In Medicine: 2020, 2021, 2023
  • Philadelphia Magazine: 2021, 2022
  • New York Magazine: Top Doctors: 2021
  • Jersey’s Best – Top Doctors for Women’s Health: 2021
  • Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society 2000
  • Berlex Junior Faculty Development Award 2001
  • Berlex Award for Best Teaching Resident 2002
  • Barton Memorial Award for Graduating Honor Resident 2004
  • CREST Scholar, NICHD 2011
  • Best Doctors Millburn Short Hills Magazine 2016

Society Memberships and Positions

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
  • The Endocrine Society
  • Livestrong Fertility
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