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participant since 4/23/2020

Diane Laurin, MD

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1306 ratings

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About Diane Laurin:

Dr. Laurin received her undergraduate degree from University of Michigan and obtained her MD from Michigan State University. She completed her residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center and has since been practicing as a Board Certified Ob/Gyn with Capital Women’s Care. During her career, she has served as Ob/Gyn Chairman at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital and as a board member of a community counseling center.

Dr. Laurin considers it a privilege to honor her calling by providing compassionate care to women of all ages. She is especially passionate about educating patients regarding their health and choices for treatment, as well as promoting preventive health. Areas frequently managed include contraception, abnormal pap smears, fibroids, abnormal bleeding, fertility concerns, and menopause. She offers treatment with minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and still enjoys the great reward of managing expectant mothers during their pregnancies and delivery process.

Dr. Laurin is fluent in French, and when not working enjoys spending time with family, traveling overseas, and being active outdoors.

Contact This Provider

9420 Key West Ave, Suite 415 Rockville, MD 20850

12800 Middlebrook Road, Suite 333 Germantown, MD 20874

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