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participant since 9/21/2021

Elizabeth Meadows, APRN, CNM

95.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 380 ratings

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About Elizabeth Meadows:

Elizabeth has spent her entire career taking care of women. One of her first rotations in nursing school was in labor and delivery, and she was hooked! Elizabeth went straight into obstetrical nursing after graduation. After a few years, she decided to continue her education and returned to school at Frontier Nursing University. In 2003, she graduated with a Masters in Nursing and became a Certified Nurse Midwife. She knew she was going to love “catching” babies, but she was pleasantly surprised at how much she also enjoyed the office and gynecological care aspect of midwifery; both offer great opportunities for education. Teaching women how to obtain their best possible health is very rewarding to Elizabeth. She has a special interest in adolescent gynecology and loves the chance to help young women embark on the healthiest path possible. Elizabeth is a native of the Atlanta area. She and her family moved to St. Augustine in 2010 when CSX Railroad transferred her husband to a position in their corporate office. They jumped at the chance to move to Florida and once in Florida, they realized how lucky they were to live in such a great community. St. Augustine has become home for Elizabeth and her family. Elizabeth has three grown children and will be welcoming her first granddaughter soon. She and her husband enjoy boating, fishing, traveling, and cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs.

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