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Emily E. Pomante, WHNP

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1005 ratings

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About Emily Pomante:

Emily is a graduate of William Paterson University in Wayne where she received her bachelor’s of science in nursing before going on to study women’s health at Rutgers University Newark. She graduated in 2015 earning her masters degree as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. Emily has two years experience as a medical/surgical nurse and over two and a half years experience working as a labor and delivery nurse at Chilton Medical Center. Emily is passionate about women’s health and finds that through her role as an NP she is able to educate, empower, and encourage women to make their health a priority. She is a self proclaimed “health nut” enjoying healthy eating and all forms of fitness. She is especially interested in distance running and obstacle course racing having earned her Spartan Trifecta in 2015 and recently completing her first half marathon in 2016.


Internship: The Woman’s Center for OB&GYN, Prospect Women’s Medical Group
Graduate: Eraiba & Eraiba, Rutgers University

Contact This Provider

1777 Hamburg Turnpike #202 Wayne, NJ 07470

1 Cedar Crest Drive Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

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