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Engelbert Patrick Bonilla, MD

94.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 335 ratings

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Engelbert Patrick Bonilla, MD

(813) 251-2000

About, locations & contact info

About Engelbert Bonilla:

Dr. Bonilla is originally from Honduras and moved to Tampa, Florida at the age of 12 y/o. After serving in the military as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division, he began his career in healthcare serving as a Radiology Technologist for over 10 years. His desire to play a more influential role in medicine motivated him to earn a Bachelor’s degree as well as a Master’s degree in Molecular Medicine from the University of South Florida in Tampa. He received his Medical degree from The American University of The Caribbean School of Medicine and completed residency in Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow, NY.

Dr. Bonilla’s areas of interest are in minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgery as well as minor in-office procedures and management of post-menopausal symptoms with the use of bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

While in residency, he had the opportunity to expand on his management of high-risk pregnancies and his fluency in Spanish allowed him to communicate with that community seamlessly and deliver compassionate care.

He enjoys weight lifting, running, outdoor and water activities, barbecues by the pool and playing poker.

Contact This Provider

706 W Platt St Tampa, FL 33606

6101 Webb Rd Tampa, FL 33615

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