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participant since 3/26/2024

Eve Key, FNP

98.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 277 ratings

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About Eve Key:

Eve Key, FNP, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner serving women throughout the Greensboro, North Carolina, area at Greensboro OB-GYN Associates. She’s been working within the gynecology and obstetrics specialty in North Carolina for nearly 40 years.

Raised in North Carolina, Eve graduated from the University of Atlantic Christian in 1977. Immediately after graduation, she knew she wanted to become a family nurse practitioner, working with patients from all walks of life. In 1981, Eve graduated from East Carolina University with a nurse practitioner degree.

With several years of experience working in maternity admission at Women’s Hospital, Eve knew she would be the perfect fit for the team when she joined Greensboro OB-GYN Associates in 2014. Eve is skilled at diagnosing and treating immediate concerns as well as administering preventive care to help her patients lead happy and healthy lives.

Eve is extremely passionate about working with women in her community. Outside of the office, she can be found cooking, traveling, reading, or spending time with her family. She is married with three children and four grandchildren.

Eve is currently accepting new patients.

Contact This Provider

510 N Elam Ave Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27403

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