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Gary Besser, MD

99.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 935 ratings

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About Gary Besser:

Before earning his medical degree from Downstate University, Gary S. Besser, MD completed his undergraduate studies at Syracuse University, postgraduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a research fellowship at Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He joined Stamford Hospital to complete his residency in 1986, and received board certification from the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1988. Dr. Besser specializes in laparoscopic surgeries, the evaluation of Pap smear abnormalities, and urogynecologic procedures. He is the first physician in Stamford to utilize the da Vinci® robotic platform surgery for hysterectomies and myomectomies, and has performed close to 3,000 of these minimally invasive procedures.

A Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of numerous medical associations and obstetric and gynecologic societies, Dr. Besser has an academic appointment at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital and he serves on the Connecticut State Maternal Mortality Committee. Dr. Besser joined Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates in 1987.

Contact This Provider

29 Hospital Plaza Suite 400 Stamford, CT 06902

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