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participant since 03/27/2023

Gestational Diabetes Management Program

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 185 ratings

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About Gestational Diabetes Management Program:

The Gestational Diabetes Management Program is intended to support expectant moms navigating the challenges of gestational diabetes via convenient telehealth sessions. This resource is available to all Women’s Health Connecticut OB patients with their provider’s referral.

The program is facilitated by Ruth Ferrarotti, ANP-BC, APRN, CDCES. Ruth has decades of experience treating and counseling diabetes patients. An initial phone or video chat consultation includes education, nutrition advising, and instructions for monitoring sugars. Frequent follow-up phone or video chat visits help patients monitor and manage their health throughout their pregnancy.

If you have a referral to the Gestational Diabetes Management Program from your Women’s Health Connecticut provider, please call 860-678-5526 to schedule an appointment.

Contact This Practice

5000 Main Street Trumbull, CT 06611

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