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Grace R. Qarmout, NP

98.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 737 ratings

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About Grace Qarmout:

Grace started her career at the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ where she has worked for 3 years as an orthopedic nurse and the past 8 years as a labor and delivery nurse. Additionally, she was an active member of the Holistic Birth Program. In 2012 Grace received her certification as an Adult Health Nurse Practitioner and has enjoyed providing health care to gynecological patients. In addition, Grace is a women’s health clinical instructor, teaches Childbirth Preparation classes, and is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice at Fairleigh Dickinson University.


Graduate: Fairleigh Dickinson University
Undergraduate: Roberts Wesleyan College


American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Adult Nurse Practitioner

State Licensures

State of New Jersey

Contact This Provider

80 Eisenhower Dr STE 200 Paramus, NJ 07652

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