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participant since 12/16/2022

Hannah Shakartzi, MD

95.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 233 ratings

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About Hannah Shakartzi:

Hannah Shakartzi, MD joined the team at Candlewood Center for Women’s Health in 2021, bringing a wealth of experience from her prior career as a certified doula. She earned her BA in Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA in 2010. Before attending medical school, Dr. Shakartzi completed three years of research at Massachusetts General Hospital. She then attended medical school at Boston University School of Medicine, graduating in 2017, and completed her Obstetrics & Gynecology residency at Stamford Hospital in 2021, where she was recognized for excellence with a Great Catch Award.

Notably, Dr. Shakartzi’s experience as a labor support provider prior to medical school confirmed her interest in women’s health. While attending Boston University School of Medicine, she founded a DREAM service-learning group to teach medical students how to provide labor support to women in need. The organization paired students with pregnant women and adolescents in the community and assisted them with prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care.

Dr. Shakartzi provides ObGyn care to women of all ages in the Danbury area and is currently accepting new patients. When not at work, she enjoys spending time with her young son and husband, going to the beach as a family, watching movies, going to wineries, and biking.

Contact This Provider

103 Newtown Rd Danbury, CT 06810

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