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participant since 5/19/2013

Haven Barlow, MD

94.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 292 ratings

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About Haven Barlow:

Dr. Haven Barlow is a board certified plastic surgeon in Annapolis, Maryland. As one of the leading cosmetic surgery practices in the Baltimore and Washington DC areas, Dr. Haven Barlow realizes the importance of a patient's desires during a cosmetic surgery procedure.

When selecting the right surgeon, you must focus on his/her experience, reputation, and aesthetic abilities. These are all extremely important factors that contribute to your happiness and satisfaction following cosmetic surgery. Dr. Barlow and his staff believe in patient education as well as comprehensive care. He will provide all the information and educational materials you will need through this important decision-making process.

Dr. Haven Barlow has been in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for over 20 years. He is currently the head of Plastic Surgery at INOVA Fairfax Hospital in Virginia. He attended Medical school at the University of Rochester in New York. His internship was performed at Highland Hospital of Rochester also in New York. His residency was completed at the University of Rochester and Strong Memorial Hospital in New York. Fellowship in hand and microvascular surgery was performed at the University of Pittsburgh and his Plastic Surgery fellowship was done at the University of Utah Medical Center.

Being recognized for his great work in plastic surgery, Dr. Barlow is constantly named "Top Doc" in Northern Virginia Magazine and Washingtonian Magazine. Additionally, Dr. Barlow is a member of several societies: The American Board of Plastic Surgery, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, National Capital Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Medical Association and the Medical Society of Fairfax Virginia.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Contact This Provider

802 Bestgate Road, Suite A Annapolis, MD 21401

8100 Boone Boulevard, Suite 730 Tyson’s Corner, VA 22182

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