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participant since 2/17/2021

Hilary Frank, DO

95.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 795 ratings

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About Hilary Frank:

I love the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology because it allows me to share in the most important aspects of patient’s lives and to improve her quality of life. And, learning how interested women are in their own health helps me to better partner with them in deciding the best lifestyle and treatment options. This specialty offers variety too: being in the clinic where I see a mix of patients; performing surgery in the operating room; and participating in the excitement and joy of labor and delivery. It is most rewarding to hear how much better a patient feels after I see her in clinic or after surgery.

In my free time, you can find me at a dog park, playing games with my husband and two dogs, or spending time with my four sisters. We love to travel, especially off the beaten path to Latin America. As a medical professional, health and exercise are a large part of my life, leading to annual marathons. My favorite race is running through Cinderella’s castle at the Disney World Marathon! I also enjoy the challenge of cooking fun meals that I can share with family and friends at dinner parties.

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