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participant since 9/26/2022

Janee Garber, LMA

98.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 190 ratings

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About Janee Garber:

Janee brings over 20 years’ experience in Medical Aesthetic skin care. She keeps up with the latest skin care treatments by attending seminars and workshops on a regular basis and has advanced training certification in non-surgical procedures including but not limited to laser treatments, fillers, BOTOX®, Juvederm®, Microneedling, dermaplaning, dermalinfusion SilkPeel, and Chemical Peels. Her knowledge and experience, combined with her commitment to listen to the needs of her patients, allows her to formulate a personalized plan for optimal patient satisfaction. One of Janee’s assets is that she is compassionate and truly wants the best treatment for each of her patients.

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100 Drury Lane Lafayette, LA 70508

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