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participant since 11/10/2022

Janet Kaczor, MD

90.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 706 ratings

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About Janet Kaczor:

Dr. Janet Kaczor is a Board-Certified Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgeon. She moved from Chicago to join Valley ENT. Dr. Kaczor has more than 25 years experience in the treatment of both pediatric and adult medical and surgical ENT conditions. A native of Detroit, she attended Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University, graduated with honors, and earned the top ten seniors award. Dr. Kaczor subsequently attended medical school at Wayne State University in Detroit followed by residency in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Henry Ford Health System. Her special areas of interest include: nasal and sinus surgery, treatment of salivary, thyroid, and parathyroid tumors.

She prides herself on listening and being attentive to each patient's concerns. Her goal in patient care is to give each patient the consideration, care, and time they need in order to solve their problems.

Although she enjoys helping patients of all ages, she has great empathy for children as she had her own medical journey as a child. She values long-term relationships with her patients.

Dr. Kaczor has two sons. Sean is an Officer in the Marines Pilot Program and Andrew is a Sophomore at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is an active Equestrian Rider and enjoys the challenges of dressage as well as trail riding with friends. Dr. Kaczor has a love of nature as seen in her bountiful gardens.

Contact This Provider

9097 E Desert Cove Ave #250 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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