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participant since 12/23/2020

Jean C. Cook, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1351 ratings

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About Jean Cook:

Dr. Cook joined All About Women in January 2013. She is a board-certified gynecologist and a fellow of the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She delivered almost 3,000 babies before devoting herself to full time gynecology.

A true "Gator Doc," Dr. Cook attended undergraduate college, medical school and a residency in OB/GYN at the University of Florida. She has served as President of the UF College of Medicine Alumni Association, Medical Selection Committee, preceptor and Courtesy Clinical Assistant Professor at UF. She has been in private practice in Gainesville since 1987.

In addition, Dr. Cook is a member of the American Urogynecologic Society and she particularly enjoys finding medical treatments for urinary incontinence, menopause management, abnormal bleeding, endometriosis and adolescent gynecology.

She is excited to share new theories about wellness and obesity with her patients.

Married to a biologist, Dr. Cook has three children, the oldest of whom is an orthopedic surgeon in Tampa. In her free time, she loves running, biking, working out, organic gardening, spending time with her family and playing with her golden retrievers.

Contact This Provider

6440 W Newberry Rd Suite 111 Gainesville, FL 32605

4447 NW American Ln Lake City, FL 32055

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