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Jennifer Allen, MD

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 863 ratings

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About Jennifer Allen:

Jennifer Allen, MD, is one of the caring physicians at Frisco Obstetrics and Gynecology, PA, located in Frisco, Texas.

Dr. Allen always knew that she was going to be a physician. From her parents’ recollection, she was three years old when she informed them. She credits the physicians she was exposed to growing up and a passion for helping others as the inspiration that sustained her dream.

Born and raised in Durham, North Carolina, her formal education includes dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry from North Carolina State University. It was there that she cemented her foundation for academic excellence, scholarship, and leadership. She received numerous awards and accolades while in attendance. Upon graduation, Dr. Allen became a chemist at a major pharmaceutical firm.

Soon the path that she had started brought her back to medical school. Dr. Allen completed her medical degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is most inspired by her stint as a Schweitzer fellow. As a fellow, Dr. Allen participated in a project that allowed her to educate women about breast and cervical cancer screening in rural North Carolina. She did this by using churches as a platform for presenting information.

Dr. Allen went on to do her internship at East Tennessee State University, where she received the "Resident of the Year" award. She then completed her residency training at the University of Texas Southwestern, Parkland Health and Hospital Systems. Her senior resident research project was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dr. Jennifer Allen is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She maintains hospital affiliations at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center and Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Plano.

When trying to find a place to settle down to raise her family, Dr. Allen and her husband, Xavier, chose a place that would fit the lifestyle of their growing young family. Dr. Allen joined Frisco Obstetrics and Gynecology, PA, in 2011, and has said that it has truly been an experience working with other women who also strive for excellence in patient care.

Dr. Allen has three children—Kayla, Noble, and Janae. They worship at North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship in Richardson, Texas.

Contact This Provider

4401 Coit Road Pavillion I, Suite 205 Frisco, TX 75035

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