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Jessica A. Gibney, MD

97.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 329 ratings

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About Jessica Gibney:

Dr. Gibney joined A Woman’s View in 2015, and is thrilled to be delivering babies again, after spending four years practicing gynecology and surgery only.

Dr. Gibney completed her undergraduate work at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, graduating magna cum laude. She received her medical degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and, in 2011, she completed her residency at Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colo.

Dr. Gibney explains why she chose obstetrics and gynecology: “I enjoyed my general surgery and family medicine clinical rotations in medical school, but had reservations about both. Later in the year, I had my OB/GYN clerkship and found a perfect fit of surgery and continuity of care.”

Her clinical interests include minimally-invasive surgery, and she looks forward to building a surgical practice in Hickory.

When she’s not working, Dr. Gibney enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, as well as cooking, running and reading.

Contact This Provider

915 Tate Blvd SE Hickory, NC 28602

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