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participant since 9/29/2022

Jessica Ramirez-Trower, CNM, MSN

94.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 277 ratings

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About Jessica Ramirez-Trower:

Jessica Ramirez Trower relocated to Cary, North Carolina from Coral Springs, Florida in 2008. She graduated from Broward Community College in 1995 with an Associate of Science degree in Nursing. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing, with honors, in 1997 from Florida International University. She completed her Master of Science degree in Nursing / Nurse-Midwifery from the University of Miami with induction into the Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Association in 2001. She has more than 20 years of nursing experience in Maternity, Newborn, Perinatal Intensive Care, Surgical, Oncology and HIV/AIDS. Her parents are from Costa Rica and she is fluent in Spanish.

Jessica has worked as a Midwife in both public and private sectors, providing full-scope obstetrical and gynecological care since 2001. She has a special interest in Infertility and High-Risk Obstetrics. She has a great interest in providing holistic patient care to achieve optimal health and well-being, by complimenting Western medicine with alternative therapeutics.

Jessica feels privileged and lucky to have been cared for by her fellow midwifery sisters and physician family here at TP4W during her own two pregnancies. “The confidence, experience and respect offered to me is the same that we offer to every one of our patients.” Jessica cherishes spending quality time with her husband, two sons, and immediate family, exploring North Carolina’s natural beauty.

Contact This Provider

600 New Waverly Pl #310 Cary, NC 27518

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