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participant since 11/16/2022

Jose L. Calderon, MD

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 306 ratings

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About Jose Calderon:

Dr Jose L. Calderon began practicing medicine in 2006. He is a Board Certified and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is also the chairman of the Board of OBGYN at Mease Countryside Hospital. There is no midwife on his staff. Dr. Calderon takes great pride in always being available for his patents. If you call his office and ask to speak with him you will be able to. He is extremely dedicated to his work and really cares about ever patient that believes in him. His office is also bi-lingual which makes his office very accommodating for patients.

Contact This Provider

28960 US Hwy 19 N # 109 Clearwater, FL 33761

8605 Easthaven Ct # 102 New Port Richey, FL 34655

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