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participant since 11/18/2021

Julio E. Arronte, MD, FACOG

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 510 ratings

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About Julio Arronte:

Julio Arronte, MD, FACOG, was born in Cuba and raised in Miami, where he continues to live while serving his patients at West Kendall OBGYN, with three convenient locations in Kendall, West Kendall, and Doral, Florida. After his schooling, he completed his internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Nassau University Medical Center, a public teaching hospital that is an affiliate of the State University of New York in Stony Brook.

Dr. Arronte surpassed many of his peers during his time at Nassau University Medical Center, receiving an Outstanding Intern Award after finishing his internship. This hard work continued while he was completing his residency training when he also served as Administrative Chief Resident and was given the Outstanding Teaching in Residency Education Award.

Over two decades ago, Dr. Arronte partnered with his old-time friend and residency colleague, Dr. Alberto Sirven, to create West Kendall OBGYN. Together, Dr. Arronte, Dr. Sirven, and their colleagues have worked to make their clinic one of the most highly sought-after in the Kendall and West Kendall area, providing personalized care to patients from all walks of life.

Elevating the standard of women's health by delivering specialized care in obstetrics, gynecology, urogynecology, robotic surgery, and ultimately improving quality - positively impacting the lives of women, their newborns, and the families we serve.

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