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participant since 2/11/2021

Karen N. Healy, APN

97.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 1150 ratings

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About Karen Healy:

Karen Healey has been working for Madison Avenue Ob/gyn as a women’s health nurse practitioner since 1995. Before becoming an NP, she worked primarily in maternal/child medicine and hospital administration as an RN for 10 years. Karen has worked with Dr. Matthew Iammatteo and Dr. Kerry Grabe for many years and their practice thrives because of the wonderful relationships that are fostered between the physicians and medical staff.

Her Undergraduate degree is from Villanova University and her Masters degree as a Women’s Heath Nurse Practitioner is from University of Pennsylvania. She was elected to Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society and is certified though NCC. She has hospital privileges at Morristown Medical Center, but primarily attends to women of all ages in the office. She provides quality, compassionate care to both gynecologic and obstetric patients.

Karen has 3 children and 2 grandchildren. She enjoys many outdoor activities such as gardening, camping, hiking, and skiing. She loves spending time with her husband, David and their children, grandchildren, and loyal dogs.


Graduate: University of Pennsylvania, MSN
Undergraduate: Villanova University, BSN


National Certification Corporation

Membership & Societies

Sigma Theta Tau

Hospital Appointments

Morristown Medical Center

State Licensures

State of New Jersey

Contact This Provider

111 Madison Ave Suite 311 Morristown, NJ 07960

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