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Katherine Shephard, PT, DPT

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 62 ratings

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About Katherine Shephard:

Dr. Katherine Shephard earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from St. Catherine University, St. Paul in 2016. She graduated from Scripps College, Claremont, California with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and International Relations in 2004. Pelvic floor physical therapy has been her passion and professional focus for most of her career. She currently teaches the pelvic health content for both the Doctor of Physical Therapy and Physical Therapist Assistant programs at St. Catherine University. She also assists on a variety of continuing education courses about adult and pediatric pelvic health.

Katherine is driven to help people transform their lives by improving pelvic floor health. She believes patients are the experts of their own journey and she is happy to be on their team as they achieve their goals. She is especially drawn to helping with the symptoms and realities of postpartum life. She believes no one should have to tolerate symptoms like urinary incontinence, constipation, prolapse, diastasis recti abdominis, painful intimacy, or pelvic aches and pains if they don’t want to.

With three littles at home, Katherine can relate to parents and modify her care to work with their busy lives. She enjoys cooking, watching musicals, traveling, and sleeping through the night.

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