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participant since 3/25/2021

Katie Camargo, CNM

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 361 ratings

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About Katie Camargo:

Katie is a lifelong Gainesville area resident. She completed her initial bachelor degrees in Political Science and Psychology at the University of Florida before joining the United States Peace Corps as a Health Education Volunteer in Tanzania. It was there that she found her calling for midwifery.

After completing her 2-year volunteer commitment, she returned to UF and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and worked as an RN in oncology, then labor and delivery while completing her Masters of Science in Nursing. She has been practicing as a Certified Nurse Midwife since 2015.

Contact This Provider

724 NW 43rd St Gainesville, FL 32607

4600 SW 46th Ct Ste 330 Ocala, FL 34474

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