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Kellyn Rielly, DO, MPH, FACOG

94.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 1599 ratings

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About Kellyn Rielly:

Dr. Kellyn Rielly, DO, MPH, FACOG is an OBGYN who is committed to providing high quality comprehensive health care in all stages of women’s lives. Dr. Rielly utilizes open communication to develop collaborative partnerships with her patients. With a focus on patient-centered care that reflects each patient’s needs, values and choices, she is able to provide feedback and effective health care plans that align with their lifestyle.

Dr. Rielly earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Allegheny College and a Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health from The George Washington University, prior to attending medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. She was previously the Chief Resident of Obstetrics and Gynecology at York Hospital in York, Pennsylvania.

Contact This Provider

17183 I-45 #610 Conroe, TX 77385

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