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participant since 4/26/2021

Kimberly Eckley, WHNP

95.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 979 ratings

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About Kimberly Eckley:


Bachelors of Science in Nursing- Madonna University, Livonia, MI
Master's degree in Nursing -Specializing in Gynecology-Medical University of South Carolina

Board Certification:

Certified as a Nurse Practitioner- Emory University, Atlanta, GA


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP)

Professional Interests

A highly skilled professional with more than 30 years clinical experience, she is well established in abnormal Pap smear management, and is Colposcopy certified from ASCCP.

The office based practice allows her to focus on many OB/GYN issues, including family planning, management of the menopausal patient, menstrual irregularities, STD screening and routine prenatal care to name a few.

Kimberly is adjunct faculty at the Grand Canyon University and The University of Phoenix Nurse Practitioners Programs.

Personal Interests

Kimberly was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. A 16-year Air force veteran-she has been stationed in Georgia, Hawaii, South Carolina, Vermont, Korea, and lastly Arizona. Settling here for almost 20 years.

Kimberly and her husband have five large fur babies that they love spending time with. As well as traveling around the southwest competing in highspeed driving with NASA-AZ road racing organization.

Contact This Provider

174 S Coronado Dr Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

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