Practice: Southdale ObGyn

Krista Bernhoft Margolis, NP

Krista Bernhoft Margolis, NP
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Phone: (952) 920-7001


Address: 3625 W 65th St #100, Edina, MN 55435

Specialty: Gynecology,Obstetrics

At Southdale ObGyn, Margolis enjoys caring for women of all ages — and welcoming them back year after year. “When my patients are finished having babies, but still come back for their annual visit, it’s just so nice,” she says. “It’s really all about making a connection.”

Krista Margolis’s passion for healing began early. “My Dad had cancer, and died when I was 9,” she says. “I spent a lot of time in and around hospitals, and even though I was sad, I was intrigued.”

Her fascination with women’s health began in biology class in high school. (“I just loved learning about reproduction,”), and deepened at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities, where she was inspired by a nurse practitioner at the student health service.

“She just made every visit so easy,” says Margolis. “And I remember thinking, ‘I could do this.’”

Today, Margolis works to make every visit as stress-free as possible for her patients. “I always keep in mind that my patient might be nervous and scared about being here … and feel vulnerable and exposed. So I always try to keep it light, to be warm and welcoming, and to listen. And I’m definitely a good listener.” Margolis brings an integrative wellness approach to her care, and she believes in each woman’s right to choose what works best for her and her family. She helps interested patients explore their nutritional status, stress management, sleep patterns, natural approaches to hormonal issues, and even emotional areas such as their relationships and support systems.

Margolis’ goal is to give women the tools they need to feel their best at every stage, phase, and transition in life. “So many patients are tired of just not feeling great,” she says, “and it’s so important to look at the whole woman.”

Margolis and her husband, three children, and dog live near the lakes in Southwest Minneapolis. She’s passionate about all-around healthy living — eating well, getting exercise, nurturing relationships, reducing stress, and having fun! She loves running, yoga, paddle boarding, cooking, adventure, and travel, and she also volunteers with Fairview Grief Services, working with young people who have experienced a loss.


Bachelor of Science, Nursing
University of Minnesota

Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
Planned Parenthood of MN/SD


Registered Nurse – RN
Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner – National Certification Corporation
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse – APRN – Minnesota Board of Nursing
Advanced training in Functional Medicine/Integrative Health – Institute of Functional Medicine


American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology – education affiliate
Minnesota Holistic Nurses Associatioin Institute of Functional Medicine
Minnesota Holistic Physicians Association

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