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participant since 1/24/2020

Kristen C. Feldman, MD

98.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 179 ratings

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About Kristen Feldman:

Dr. Kristen Feldman is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist who joined CWRWC in 2018. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Georgia and her medical doctorate from Emory University. She then moved to the Triangle for her ObGyn residency at Duke University Medical Center, where she met Dr. Andrea Lukes. Following residency, she spent five years in private practice in Raleigh. Dr. Feldman enjoys caring for women of all ages; she has a focus on adolescents and young women after leading Women's Health at North Carolina State University's Student Health Services for eight years. Her particular areas of interest include contraception management using all available contraceptive options, menopause care, management of abnormal Pap smears and bleeding concerns, plus other routine gynecological care.

Contact This Provider

700 Exposition Pl suite 161 Raleigh, NC 27615

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